Why You Should See Your Dentist Before Vacation

May 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 4:01 am

Young woman at beachSummer is here, which means your bags are packed and your hotel reservations are booked. While you finalize the details for your vacation, don’t forget to schedule an appointment with your dentist for a cleaning and checkup. Although you never expect it to happen to you, a dental emergency can occur with no warning. Don’t let a preventable issue ruin your travel plans. Here’s why you should visit your dentist before you depart.

Reduce Your Risk of a Dental Emergency

1 in 6 Americans have a dental emergency every year. Contrary to popular belief, they don’t all result from accidents or trauma. Many people end up at an emergency dentist because of untreated dental issues, like tooth decay, failing restoration, or infections. 

A quick checkup with your dentist will ensure your teeth and gums are healthy. If your dentist finds anything concerning, they’ll provide the treatment you need before your vacation. You’ll have peace of mind during your travels because you can feel confident a toothache won’t interrupt your plans.

Ensure Your Smile is Clean and Healthy

Besides a checkup, your dental hygienist will give your mouth a good cleaning. They’ll remove any plaque or tartar buildup to promote healthy teeth and gums. You won’t think twice before flashing your pearly whites for vacation photos because your smile will look its best. Your hygienist can also provide you with tips to keep your mouth clean while you’re away from home.

Preventing Dental Emergencies

You can’t always stop a dental emergency from occurring, but following a few tips can reduce your risk:

  • Commit to Brushing and Flossing: Follow your regular brushing and flossing routine. If you’re snacking more often or eating sugary treats, brush after every meal. A travel oral hygiene kit can make it easier to brush and floss while you’re on the go.
  • Watch What You Eat: Avoid hard or crunchy foods, which can cause a broken tooth or restoration.
  • Wear an Athletic Mouthguard: Don’t forget to wear an athletic mouthguard if you’re playing sports.
  • Break Bad Oral Habits: Your teeth can be handy to use as tools when you’re traveling, but you should break the habit to reduce your risk of a broken tooth. Don’t use your teeth in place of scissors or other tools, and keep edible objects out of your mouth, including your fingernails.

It’s also a good idea to look for an emergency dentist in the area that you’ll be staying to have a number handy just in case. Most likely you won’t need it, but it’s better to be prepared.

About Dr. Brett M. Pantera

Dr. Pantera earned his dental degree from the University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine and has continued his education in various specialties, like emergency dentistry, implant restorations, and general dentistry. He is committed to creating healthy smiles. Request an appointment through our website or call (203) 697-8558.

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