3 Traits that Make a Smile Beautiful

October 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 7:23 am
Someone with a nice smile

Any dentist will tell you that every smile is completely unique. Even perfectly healthy teeth may not look alike, which means that there isn’t one “correct” way for a smile to look.

However, it’s also true that cosmetic dentists see all kinds of patients and hear all kinds of requests for what they want their teeth to look like. In that sea of desire, patterns start to emerge. There are some traits that people often value when it comes to their teeth, and that loosely define what a “nice” smile looks like. While it’s impossible to cover all of them here, this blog aims to explore a few common examples, and the treatments used to pursue them.

The Color of your Teeth

One of the most obvious, and possibly the first one that came to mind for you, is tooth color. Most people are interested in getting a white smile. That may be part of why there are so many cosmetic treatments to brighten your smile.

Of course there’s teeth whitening, which makes use of a whitening gel to give you a smile up to eight shades brighter than before. Then there’s veneers and lumineers, both of which can cover up severely discolored teeth.

The Shape of your Incisal Edge

You may have never heard the term “incisal edge” before, but it’s an important part of what makes a smile aesthetically pleasing. The incisal edge refers to the tip of your teeth, and in a cosmetic sense, is judged by how smooth its arc is between the teeth.

If the incisal edge is jagged, that can make the teeth appear crooked. You can address this issue either by moving the teeth with Invisalign treatment, or by changing the shape of the teeth with veneers.

The Space Between Teeth

While it’s common for people to naturally have small gaps between the teeth, and especially between the front two. While there’s nothing strictly wrong with this, some people don’t prefer the way that these gaps can make your smile look.

Again, there are two ways to address this problem. You can either move the teeth with orthodontics treatment or cover them up with veneers.

While the most important thing for your smile is that it be healthy, if you’re trying to change the way you look to others, these traits are an excellent place to start.

About Our Practice

At D’Andrea and Pantera Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, we attribute our dental office’s success not only to our clinical expertise, but to the thousands of relationships that we have been able to form with our patients based on integrity and trust. We don’t want a routine appointment with us to feel routine; instead, you’ll get first-class dental care that will completely upend your expectations.

If you have any questions about how to help your smile look its best, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (203) 288-0951.

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