Stuck in Your Teeth: Foods That Spell Trouble for Dental Health

January 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dpmgeneralteam @ 3:18 pm
Food bad for dental health

Have you ever experienced that frustrating sensation of food getting lodged between your teeth? It’s uncomfortable and, often, embarrassing. Brushing and flossing regularly is the best way to keep your dental health in check. However, avoiding certain foods will help prevent these sticky situations. If you want to look at some of the worst offenders when it comes to sticky foods, continue reading.


While it’s a popular snack choice for movie nights, popcorn kernels are notorious for getting stuck between teeth. The thin shell of the kernel can easily wedge itself into the gum line, leading to irritation and possible infection.

Chewy Candy

Sticky, chewy candies like caramels, taffy, and gummy bears are a dentist’s nightmare. These candies can adhere to the surfaces of teeth and are difficult to remove with just brushing and flossing. As they linger in the mouth, they can increase the risk of tooth decay and cavities.

Dried Fruit

While dried fruits may seem like a healthy choice, they can be just as bad for dental health as candy. Their sticky texture makes them prone to getting trapped in the crevices of teeth, where they can provide a feast for cavity-causing bacteria.

Small Seeds

Many people love sesame and poppy seeds because they add flavor and texture to your meals. However, they also have a knack for finding their way into uncomfortable places. It’s not uncommon to discover these seeds lodged in your teeth hours after eating. Water flossers can be your best friend when dealing with these tiny terrors.

Doughy Bread and Pastries

Bread and pastries, especially those with dense or doughy textures, can easily adhere to the surfaces of teeth. The soft, sticky dough often becomes compacted between teeth, making it difficult to remove with regular brushing and flossing. To make matters worse, bread and pastries are made of plaque’s favorite chemicals: starch and sugar. Brushing after eating these is incredibly important!

While it’s not always possible to avoid these foods entirely, being mindful of their potential to get stuck in your teeth can help you make better choices for your oral health. If you do indulge in these foods, be sure to rinse your mouth with water afterward and brush and floss thoroughly to keep your dentist happy.

About the Practice

If you’re struggling with cavities or gum irritation, D’Andrea and Pantera Family & Cosmetic Dentistry can help. They have a dedicated team of expert dentists ready to treat you with advanced dental technology and techniques. Call (203) 288-0951 to schedule an appointment or visit the website to explore other services they provide.

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